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Shakespeare Week Portraits

Mini Grey’s William Shakespeare

Who created it?

Mini Grey


What is it made of?

Watercolour paint


Artist Biography

Born in a mini car in a car park in South Wales, Mini worked as a theatre designer, then a primary school teacher, before studying for an MA in sequential design at Brighton University. Since then she has been mostly making children’s picture books, some of which have won awards.

Recent books by Mini include Hermelin, the story of a typing mouse detective, Space Dog, about a spacedog and an astrocat set in the Outer Spooniverse, and The Bad Bunnies’ Magic Show. Mini’s latest publication is The Last Wolf.

Mini lives in Oxford UK with her partner Tony and son Herbie. She likes running along the river and down corridors, and playing with her food.

You can see Mini’s Sketch-Blog at:


About the Picture

“My picture shows Shakespeare at work on The Tempest. Recently I’ve been very interested in model theatres as I’ve been making one for an exhibition at Pollocks Toy Museum.”

“This got me wondering if I could hide Shakespeare in a sort of model theatre. Shakespeare, to me, always seems to be quite unknown as a person. But also when you are at work imagining a world to put on stage, your mind gets lost roaming in the play unfolding.”