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Fetherston of Packwood deeds and papers


Lease by Francis Fetherston of Shuestocke, gent., to John Fetherston for 99 years, of the ancient `meese place' called Fetherston House and now called the Old House in Packwood, a little close adjoining and another formerly called the Croft at the gate and now called the Buttyard close, with the Great Meadow or Old House Meadow, the Wheatfield, Middle Field, the Grove, the Lane field, Old Barne Meadow, etc., in consideration of a conveyance by the said John to the said Francis of closes called Washfordes in Knoll. Signed and sealed by Fran: Fetherston. Witnesses: Thomas Harborne, Thomas Atwood, Richard X Wast. Dated 10 February, 12 Charles I. Seal lost.