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The vvhole magnificent entertainment: giuen to King Iames, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince; vpon the day of his Maiesties tryumphant passage (from the Tower) through his honorable citie (and chamber) of London, the 15. of March. 1603. Aswell by the English, as by the strangers, with the speeches and songs, deliuered in the seuerall pageants. And those speeches that before were publish't in Latin, now newly set forth in English. Tho. Dekker.

  • Author

    Dekker, Thomas

  • Date published


  • Publisher

    Imprinted at London : By E. Allde [, Humphrey Lownes, and others] for Tho. Man the yonger, 1604.

General note: An expanded edition of: The magnificent entertainment. "Allde pr[inted]. quires A-B, I; Lownes G-H; some of these and other quires are partly reimposed from 6510"--STC. Signatures: A² B-I4. Running title reads: "The Kings entertainment through the city of London." in various spellings. Formerly also STC 6511. Variant: title page has: magnifycent. Small hole on A2, slightly affecting text; MS. ink inscriptions on t.p., B2v, B4r and I4v UK-SuSCL Cited in: STC (2nd ed.), 6513 Greg, I, 202(b) Format of surrogate: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1975. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1376:11). Ownership and custodial history: MS. ink inscriptions (contemp.?) on t.p.: 'Wentworth', 'James Nicolse 1634' [etc.]; Bookplate of "Joannis Towneley, de Towneley in agro Lancastrensi Armigeri" pasted inside front cover UK-SuSCL