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Minshæi emendatio, vel a` mendis expurgatio, seu augmentatio sui Ductoris in linguas, The guide into tongues. Cum illarum harmonia, etymologijs, originationibus, rationibus, deriuationibus in omnibus his nouem linguis, viz. 1. Anglica. 2. Belgica. 3. Germanica. 4. Gallica. 5. Italica. 6. Hispanica. 7. Latina. 8. Græca. 9. Hebræa, c. Quæ etiam ita ordine sono consentientes, collocatæ sunt ... Item explicatio vocabulorum forensium iuris Anglicani ... Item adijciuntur etymologiæ sacræ Scripturæ ... Opera, studio, industria, labore sumptibus Iohannis Minshæi in lucem editum impressum. 22° Iulij, anno 1625. = The guide into the tongues. With their agreement and consent one with another, as also their etymologies ...

General note: A revision of part I of: He¯gemo¯n eis tas glo¯ssas. A dictionary of English, with definitions in eight languages. The words "1. Anglica. .. 3. Germanica." and "7. Latina. .. 9. Hebræa, c." are bracketed together on title page. Signatures: pi² A-2H6 2I4. One of four imprint variants of this edition; parts of the title are in a different setting. DFONOTE jre: complete title transcription, cf. S120933; imprint reads: "...M. DC. XXVII." Entered to B. Fisher 27 April 1635. Some staining and soot marks, slightly affecting text UK-SuSCL Cited in: STC (2nd ed.), 17947 Format of surrogate: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1965. 1 microfilm reel; 35mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1028:9). Ownership and custodial history: Stamp of ownership on flyleaf: "I.P."; MS. ink signatures on tp.: "Ben Langwith", "J. Boyle"; Beisly bequest 1896 UK-SuSCL Binding Information: Contemporary full calf with blind-tooled border, gold-tooled spine labels (added?) UK-SuSCL