There are currently 6979 museum items, 27078 books and 171441 archive records on this catalogue, as well as information about 4052 RSC performances. Most items in our collections can be found in this catalogue. Some material, however, is not yet described online and is only listed in printed catalogues or card indexes. If you have a query regarding an item that you think may be in our collections but that is not listed, please get in touch with us.
There are currently 6979 museum items, 27078 books and 171441 archive records on this catalogue, as well as information about 4052 RSC performances. Most items in our collections can be found in this catalogue. Some material, however, is not yet described online and is only listed in printed catalogues or card indexes. If you have a query regarding an item that you think may be in our collections but that is not listed, please get in touch with us.
There are currently 6979 museum items, 27078 books and 171441 archive records on this catalogue, as well as information about 4052 RSC performances. Most items in our collections can be found in this catalogue. Some material, however, is not yet described online and is only listed in printed catalogues or card indexes. If you have a query regarding an item that you think may be in our collections but that is not listed, please get in touch with us.
There are currently 6979 museum items, 27078 books and 171441 archive records on this catalogue, as well as information about 4052 RSC performances. Most items in our collections can be found in this catalogue. Some material, however, is not yet described online and is only listed in printed catalogues or card indexes. If you have a query regarding an item that you think may be in our collections but that is not listed, please get in touch with us.
Online exhibitions
Write till your ink be dry
John Hall, A Stratford Physician: His Library and Remedies
Are ye fantastical?
Shakespeare's family in nine objects
Time to Play
Still my beating mind...
Boils, Plague Sores and Embossed Carbunkles
To thine own self be true...
John Hall, A Stratford Physician: His Practice and Patients
VocalEyes - Hall's Croft
VocalEyes - New Place
VocalEyes - Shakespeare's Birthplace
Sharing Shakespeare's Story
Be Inspired: Shakespeare & Me
Ira Aldridge in the Collections
Shakespeare Week Portraits
Saving Shakespeare's Birthplace
Method in the Madness