Where possible, we have put images of our Collection online to download and use freely under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND licence.
Where you see a “download” button on the catalogue record, you can download images of this item under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. This as is also indicated in the credit line field. This material is either in the public domain or its rights are owned by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, and we would like you to use these images as you please for non-commercial purposes according to the following criteria:
- non-commercial - this means that you cannot use this material for commercial purposes without talking to us first.
- no derivatives - please don't remix, edit or build upon our images without checking with us first.
- attribution - please make sure you acknowledge the source of the image where ever you use it. The credit line will be indicated on the catalogue record, and should also be in the metadata of the image file. If you have any queries about the correct credit line to use, please just ask us.
Where the download button is not indicated this image cannot be used without prior permission, so please contact us at images.slca@shakespeare.org.uk to enquire about the possibility of obtaining images of this material.
Some records don't have images yet, and we are working on creating and uploading new images of our collection. If the material you are looking for does not have an image, it may also be the case that we do have images for you to use, but we are unable to display them on the website. If we do not have images, you can order new photography to be carried out, for which there is a charge per image. To discuss new photography, please contact images.scla@shakespeare.org.uk.
Image licensing
We also license images for commercial purposes for which we have scale of charges depending on the use of the image.
To discuss new photography and/or image licensing, please contact images.scla@shakespeare.org.uk.
RSC Copyright Material
We care for the archive and library of the Royal Shakespeare Company. However we cannot supply or license images from this collection.
If you are interested in obtaining images of material in the RSC’s collection, please visit www.rsc.org.uk/image-licensing or email images@rsc.org.uk