In celebration of our multi-year theme, The Women Who Made Shakespeare, we have curated an exhibition to highlight some of Shakespeare’s most famous female characters. Scroll through this exhibition to explore some of the many ways the characters have been portrayed over the years. You’ll also find fresh new perspectives on these characters from children’s illustrators who have created costume designs to celebrate these wonderful women, as well as videos that imagine the characters’ innermost thoughts, feelings and emotions. In addition you'll find guest characters as part of our Shakespeare Week celebrations including Ariel, Feste and Bottom.

Who will you choose?

Calling all primary school aged children! We’d like to challenge you to read on, watch the videos and delve into the linked resources to find out about these characters (and any other Shakespeare characters that have inspired you). We’d love you to design a special costume for a Shakespeare character of your choice. You can use the images here as your inspiration but it would be wonderful if you also added your own ideas and used your own imagination. Think of a costume that really matches their personality or represents the emotions or feelings that this character has.

We can’t wait to see the designs that you create - and you can enter them into a competition to win some fabulous prizes! We will also share the winning entries in this online exhibition. You have until 26 May 2025 to send them in.

Scroll down to discover some images, paintings and items from our collection as well as creative costume designs from children's illustrators. Why not design a costume for your favourite character? Who will you choose?