To thine own self be true...
Madeleine’s Artwork, Highly Commended, Individual (4-7 years)

Highly Commended in the individual entry 4-7 years
Who created it?
Madeleine, four and a half years-old
Madeleine enjoys being brave and strong and kind and clever. She enjoys learning about animals and feelings, and is good at climbing, singing and jumping really high.
My creative response
Madeleine’s artwork
About my creative response
Madeleine has used felt-tips on paper to draw this picture for the competition.
When have you been ‘true to yourself’?
“Maddy is her true self every day. Some days she is a tiger, a shark, a knight or a dinosaur. Some days she is a whale or a tree. She enjoys helping, making things and running really fast.”
What is your favourite Shakespeare quote/play/character and why?
Madeleine has seen ballet performances of Romeo and Juliet and enjoyed watching The Tempest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream on CBeebies (she liked seeing ‘Mr Tumble’ with donkey ears when he played Bottom, and laughed when ‘Line’ was pulling on the rope).