Write till your ink be dry
Edward's Book - Runner-up 4-7 years

RUNNER-UP, 4-7 years
Who created it?
Edward, age 5
Hello my name is Edward, I am five-years-old. I like to ride my bike in our garden, jump on my pogo stick and play football with my big brother.
About my Shakespeare-inspired book
Mummy told me about lots of different Shakespeare plays and then I chose my favourites. I then watched CBeebies Presents versions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet. I made a book with paper and drew my favourite characters like Puck, Bottom, Titania and Oberon.
What did you enjoy about making your book?
I felt creative when I made my Shakespeare book. I feel proud of myself.
What is your favourite Shakespeare play, character or quote?
My favourite Shakespeare character is Bottom because his name is funny and he has a donkey’s face.
Watch this video of Edward's book