Write till your ink be dry
Max's Book - Highly Commended

Who created it?
Max, age 8
My name is Max and I am 8 years-old. My favourite things to do are to read books, do athletics and play piano. Right now, I am looking forward to going on holiday to Turkey with my Mum and Dad and my little brother.
About my Shakespeare-inspired book
First, I decided to make a love potion and used a spoonful of sugar, a cup of flowers and some other ingredients. From this, I made a 'Little Book of Love'. This is linked to Shakespeare because Romeo and Juliet make a love potion so they can be together forever!
What did you enjoy about making your book?
I really enjoyed making my book. I felt excited and it made me feel confident that I could learn more.
What is your favourite Shakespeare play, character or quote?
My favourite Shakespeare play is Romeo and Juliet. My favourite character is Friar Laurence because he helps Romeo and Juliet be together when their families won’t let them.
Watch this video of Max's book