Write till your ink be dry
Rory's Book - Highly Commended

Who created it?
Rory, age 10
My name is Rory. I am 10 years-old and I love dogs. I own a dachshund called Sorrel. She is 11 years-old and I love her. I like playing cricket, rugby and I am goalkeeper in hockey. Another four hobbies of mine are LEGO, skateboarding, climbing and archery.
About my Shakespeare-inspired book
I decided to do a cookery book. It is linked to Shakespeare in the sense that all of the recipes are named after plays, for example, 'Macbeth marzipan' or 'Romeo and Juliet roulade'. I looked up a summary online of Shakespeare and his plays. I chose six plays (Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Twelfth Night), looked up their synopses and made a recipe.
What did you enjoy about making your book?
I felt extremely proud of my finished work. I loved the idea so much (and with some nagging from my Mummy) that when I went to the hairdressers, I brought along a pen and paper and when my brother’s hair was being cut, I wrote down some ideas.
What is your favourite Shakespeare play, character or quote?
My favourite play is Macbeth. This is because it is set in Scotland and I am part Scottish. My favourite quote is 'Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?'
Watch this video of Rory's book