Stratford-upon-Avon Borough Surveyor's and Borough Engineer's Office; Files, pre-1947.

Arrangement Until 1947, the Borough Engineer's files received a consecutive series of numbers (with sub-numbers where necessary) regardless of their subject. They were, however, evidently shelved separately according to a section code as follows 1. HO = Housing 2. HW = Highways 3. C.P. = Corporation Property 4. W.W. = Waterworks 5. S. = Sewers 6. S.D. = Sewage Disposal 7. P P = Parks and Playgrounds 8. T.P. = Town Planning 9. E = Establishment 10. M = Miscellaneous In the list which follows, the single numerical series has been followed (although there are now many gaps), but with the section code included in brackets