Confirmation of Ownership: Clopton
Confirmation by Robert de Clopton, Knt., to Henry de la Le and Elizabeth his wife of a grant from William de Wilmecote in free marriage with the said Elizabeth of two virgates of land in the territory of Cloptone, together with two acres for a messuage, viz. one acre under Tothulle next Patthelowe and another between the two roads adjoining land of Ralph de Cloptone to hold the same as assigns of William de Wilmecote at a yearly rent of 2 shillings and paying 8 shillings in hand, the said Henry also to have pasturage for 10 beasts in the free pasture of Cloptone. Witnesses: Sir Peter de Wluardintone, Robert de Val, William de Sotrith, Robert de Hollehal, William le Archer, Geoffrey Pauncefot, William son of Robert, William son of Ralph, Ralph Britton and William Britton and Walter Clerk. Undated Fragment of seal.