Gregory cartulary

pp. 193-256; a cartulary of Stoneleigh Abbey (see S.L.B.pp. xxix-xxxii). p.193, charter of King John (ibid. p.22); pp.193-4, the same (ibid. p.23); pp.194-5, charter of Henry III (ibid. p.28); pp. 195-6, the same (ibid. p.28); p.196, charter of Roger bishop of Coventry (ibid. p. 14); p.196, charter of R. bishop of Coventry; p.196, charter of Geoffrey de Clinton (ibid. p.14); p. 197, charter of Robert son of Odo de Mortuna; p.197, charter of Pope Alexander III; pp.198-202, eleven deeds concerning Radway; pp.203-214, 28 charters mainly concerning Ratley, issued by members of the Arden family (one deed concerns Marston and is printed in S.L.B., p.17: three others are for Ryton); pp. 214-20; nine charters mostly concerning Hornton (co. Oxon.); p.220, charter of Henry de Clinton concerning Bericote and Cubbington; p.221, charter of Rannulph earl of Chester for Kingshill; p.221, charter of Hugh earl of Chester for Kingshill; p.221, another charter of the same for Kingsbury; p.222, two charters of William earl of Warenne for the same; p.223, two charters of Waleran earl of Warwick concerning Ratley; p.224, charter of Hugh Bigod, earl of Norfolk, concerning Radway; pp. 224-5, four charters of Robert FitzWalter and his wife concerning Kingsbury; p.226, two charters of Geoffrey de Clinton concerning Woolscot (one printed in S.L.B. p.18); charter of William Croc (ibid. p.13); pp.227-248, about forty-three deeds mostly concerning Stoneleigh and its hamlets (pp. 232-240 are very badly damaged and the number of deeds is therefore doubtful), comprising c. 21 deeds for the vill of Stoneleigh (including charters of the Shuckborough family; see nos. 974-7), c.4 for cryfield, 3 for Hurst, 3 for Kingshill, 1 for Millburn, c.7 for Fletchampstead and 1 for Finham (on p.246 are two deeds concerning the Droitwich salt-works); p.248, charter of Roger bishop of Chester (S.L.B. p.14); pp.249-250, four charters concerning Radway, including charters of Richard bishop of Coventry (ibid. p.17), Alexander bishop of the same, and Hugh Bigod, earl of Norfolk; pp. 251-2, three charters of Thomas de Arden concerning Ratley; pp. 252-4, four deeds concerning Altrincham; pp. 254-6, six deeds concerning Radway, including a charter of Geoffrey de Clinton (ibid. p.14). From p.251, most of the Ratley-Radway deeds are duplicates of those appearing earlier in the cartulary.