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Wills and inventories: Archer of Tanworth


Copy will of Robert Atwood of Berwick upon Tweed: To be buried in churchyard of Berwick. Lands at Codborough, after brother [in law] Digbie has been paid money due to him, to testator's father for life, paying testator's sister Elizabeth pound;100. After death of father 3/4 of lands including house to sister Elizabeth and her heirs with remainder to sister Dorothy Atwood: 1/4 to said Dorothy and heirs with remainder to Elizabeth. Failing issue of both sisters, all to heirs of cousin Henry Atwood. To sister Frances Atwood, after death of father, annuity of pound;10 payable in due proportion from Codborough by Elizabeth and Dorothy. In re lands called Bickerscoate: charged with repayment of pound;100 borrowed thereon, to cousin Mr. Skinner then to sisters Elizabeth and Dorothy in proportions as before and failing their issue to cousin Henry Attwood, as before, but father to have use for his life. Father also to have use of livestock for life and household goods then divided equally twixt Elizabeth and Dorothy who to give sister Frances one bed, bedstead and furnishings, and sufficient linen. In re estate in Berwick on which pound;453.10s.5d due - pound;100 to Henry Attwood to pay cousin Skinner. Residue to father for life paying pound;10 p.a. to sister Elizabeth in part of her portion of pound;100. To 'countrieman' Dr. Clement Colemore, pound;10 to buy a gelding: To Henry Attwood pound;20; to John Shell, servant, great brewhouse vessell, maltmill and the vessell in the bakehouse, household stuffe, clothes and pound;20. Executors: Henry Attwood, Dr. Colemore and John Shell. Residue to Henry Attwood for benefit of testator's sisters, subject to purchase of a house for the poor of Berwick: pound;10 for poor widows there. Remits pound;10 due upon bond from Sir William Bowyer. Witnesses: John Shell, John Turner, John Shell [sic], and Robert Ewenes.