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26 Ely Street, Stratford-upon-Avon


Mortgage by demise for 1000 years from John Rowden Westbury late of Stratford-upon-Avon, schoolmaster, but now of Stroudwater, co. Glos., clothier, to William Lucas of Hunscote in Charlecote, yeoman, of a messuage with appurtenances in Ely Street, late in the occupation of Mrs. Arabella Floyer, then of John Westbury, and now of John Holmes, together with the moiety of a pew in the parish church (see DR316/3-4), which the said John Westbury purchased of Charles Floyer of Tamworth, gentleman; and by assignment of the residue of a term of 1000 years in a piece of land at the top and on the south of Ely Street, converted into garden ground and now in the tenure of John Holmes, bounded on part of the west by gardens belonging to three cottages lately purchased by John Westbury of Anne Smith, and since sold to Francis Richardson and John Hamp, on the remaining part of the west by Rother Street, on the north by Ely Street, on the east by the messuage already described, and on the south by an orchard belonging to the heirs of Charles Ingram, late in the occupation of Richard Wyatt and now of Walter Stubbs; which piece of land the said John Westbury lately purchased of Ann Smith of Chipping Norton, widow; to secure £200.