Wills and testamentary papers

Will of James Gardner of North Newington, co. Oxon., yeoman. 1) Half yard land and meadow land in common and open fields of Shutford, co. Oxon., to brother John Gardner and kinsman William Gardner, both of Balscott, co. Oxon., upon following trusts: (i) To pay rents and profits to testator's wife Ann until son Andrew James is 22 but only as long as she remains unmarried. (ii) When Andrew James is 22, bequeaths said lands to testator's son John, chargeable with £400 to be paid to Andrew James but if John refuses to take land, then it passes to Andrew James subject to £50 annuity to John. 2) Two cottages and appurtenances in Wroxton and 2 yard lands in common fields held by lease from Trinity College, Oxford, plus freehold half yard land in same place, to said John and William as before in trust. (i) To allow widow Ann to occupy and enjoy during life or widowhood and then to use of testator's two sons Samuel and William until William is 22 when they shall become tenants in common for remainder of term. If at age 22 this estate is not valued at at least £800, residue to be made up by Trustees from residue of testator's estate. 3) To daughter Elizabeth Walford, interest from £200 payable quarterly for life, free from all interference from her husband. First payment 3 months after testator's daughter Ann is 22. 4) After decease of daughter Ann and wife Ann or survivor £200 equally between children of Elizabeth Walford. 5) £200 to daughter Ann at age 22 and further £20 on death of her mother. 6) Also to daughter Ann: one feather bed and furniture. 7) To Elizabeth Walford: half-headed bedstead and furniture. 8) To son John: flock bed and furniture. 9) To son Andrew James: flock bed and furniture. 10) All household goods, plate, linen, china etc., stock, crop, cattle, farming implements, money and securities subject to payment of legacies, debts, funeral expenses etc. to John and William Gardner as trustees to allow use to wife Ann during life or widowhood, then to be equally divided among sons and daughters. (Special proviso that share of Elizabeth Walford be free from husband's control). Wife Ann sole executrix. Witnesses: Robert Brayne, Richard Chapman, Richard Bignall. Codicil - 24 October 1800 If Elizabeth Walford survives her husband, £200 legacy to children to be paid into her own hands. Blue waggon to son John. Proved 10 December 1800.