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E.I. Fripp: proposed or published works


Envelope marked 'MSS old and new', containing autograph manuscripts of: - 'Shakespeare's father and Falstaff' - 'The New House of Stratford-upon-Avon' - 'Love's Labours Lost', 1921 - 'Two glimpses of Shakespeare on 22 May 1592' - 'The Shakespeare baptisms' - 'Hamlet Shakespeare's death', - 'Anne Hathaway' - 'A nativity play' - 'The christening of Shakespeare' - 'The Sonnets' - 'Shakespeare - 1930' - 'The Reformation in the Shakespeare Country' - 'Address at the King's New School of Stratford-upon-Avon', 1925 - 'Shakespeare's Tempest' - 'The old Shrieve's House in Stratford-upon-Avon' - 'John Marshall, minister at Bishopton' - 'All's Well That Ends Well' - 'The name of Shakespeare's son' - Ms marked 'Various' but paginated continuously: concerns Shakespeare's writings