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Eye, Suffolk


Feoffment from John Clerk of Ocolt [Occold, Suffolk] to Robert Turnour and Margaret his wife, John Fysk and Robert Saxcy of Eye of a messuage and garden in the borough of Eye between messuages of Henry God' and John Portere on the north and a messuage of John Reydon' jun. on the south, one end abutting on the highway to the east and the other abutting on a messuage of John Sulyard' to the west, which said property he had by feoffment of John Saltere clerk and John Hardyng of Eye together with Thomas Marbyll' clerk, John Grey of Eye and Robert Pakke of Bedingfeld' [Bedingfield, Suffolk] then deceased, to hold of the chief lords of the fee for due and accustomed services. Witnesses: Nicholas Hardyng and John Debynham, then bailiffs of the said borough, William Woode, John Botyldes, Roger Barkere and others. Dated at Eye, 24 July 37 Henry VI. Seal on tag, the letter R crowned. Endorsed: Old Writings concerning Elliots house at Eye from Edward the 4ths tyme to Henry the Eights.