Morgan of Stratford-upon-Avon: Scrapbook

Large scrapbook compiled by Frederick Charles Morgan (1876-1976) from material found at 11 High Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, in 1932 when the family business was sold: principally printed ephemera and photographs relating to Stratford-upon-Avon, arranged roughly by subject.
The principal contents are as follows:
fol.1: list of members of the Stratford Book Society, c. 1805, and two bookplates for Lapworth's Circulating Library, c.1855 (printed, with ms annotations)
fol.2: Lapworth's Stratford Directory, 1829-30 (printed)
fol.3: declaration by fifty-two shopkeepers to close early on Wednesday evening, 9 July 1862 (printed)
fol.4: Morgan's Stratford-on-Avon Monthly Advertiser and Railway Time Tables, January 1860 (printed)
fol.5: John Boydell, engraved portrait from a painting by Gilbert Stuart, published June 1802
fols 7-9: items relating to the Garrick Jubilee, including admission ticket to Oratorio, September 1769
fol.10: procession of Shakespeare's characters at the gala held in 1827; tickets for the Coronation Dinner, 28 June 1838, and performance of As You Like It at the Tercentenary Celebrations, April 1864 (printed)
fols 11-16: other printed ephemera relating to the Tercentenary celebrations, 1863-64.
fol. 17: engraving from The Builder of the proposed monument to Shakespeare in Stratford, 7 October 1865
fol. 18: handbill advertising dramatic performances, 12 April 1869, and Rules of the Amateur Dramatic Society, 1870 (printed)
fols 18-23: miscellaneous papers relating to the building of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, 1876-84 (includes engravings and photograph)
fol.24: photographs of J.O. Halliwell (c. 1860) and Frank Benson (c. 1890)
fols 25-35: printed material (largely satirical) relating to the Irvingite dispute between Dr John Day Collis, vicar of Stratford, and his curate, William H. Connor, 1875
fols 36-43: miscellaneous printed satirical poems and squibs, 1877-1903
fol.44: order form for Shakespeare Tercentenary medal, March 1916
fols 45-46: photographs of the Benson Company at Shrewsbury, c.1890
fols 47-56 : photographs of miscellaneous civic occasions (includes: opening of the water supply, 1884; Golden Jubilee, 1887; unveiling of Gower Memorial, 1888; marriage of the Duke of York, 1893; ox roast, c. 1894; visit of Prince of Wales, 1895; arches erected for Warwickshire Agricultural Society Show, 1896; Diamond Jubilee, 1897; Coronation of George V, 1911)
fol. 58: photograph of the laying foundation stone of new theatre, 23 April 1929