Gregory cartulary

pp. 63-168: A cartulary of Stivichall, originally compiled by John Halum, chaplain, who had examined the deeds and court rolls relating to the same, and rewritten by John Malyn, chaplain [John Halum, c.1400: John Malyn c.1470] as follows: p. 64, notes by Arthur Gregory, pp. 65-6, charter of Hugh earl of Chester to Walter, bishop of Coventry, very faded but engrossed in Gregory Cartulary, f.32; pp. 66-7, charter of R------, very faded; pp.67-8, charter of Richard I, very faded; pp. 68-9, charter of Rannulph earl of Chester, faded but copied in Gregory Cartulary, f.117; pp. 70-1, final concord of 1248, between bishop and prior of Coventry [See F.F.i, no. 682]; p. 72, notes by Arthur Gregory; p. 73, another copy of Richard I's charter of 30 November, 1189 [See above, pp. 28-9]; pp. 74-74a, charter of Ranulph earl of Chester to Vitalis ----; pp. 74a-75, charter concerning the feoffees of Vitalis de Foleshill (abstract); p.75, abstracts of two other charters, very faded. The following section relates to property in Stivichall. pp. 76-8, charter of Gerard, bishop of Coventry [no. 258]; pp. 78-9, notes on land belonging to Stivichall chapel; p. 80, notes on Margery de Nerbone's tenure in Stivichall; pp. 81-83, 13th century rental of the bishop of Coventry, with notes on the manorial court; p. 84, copy from court roll of 22 May 1347; pp.84-5, notes on John Fraunce and his fellow feoffees' tenure of the Overhalstude, referring back to a fine of 1249 [See F.F.i, 144]; p. 85, notes on the feoffees' other holdings; p. 86, Charter of Ranulph of Stivichall to priory of Coventry [no. 595]; pp. 86-7, the same to the same, n.d.; pp. 87-8, notification of Richard, vicar of St. Michael's, Coventry [no. 591]; p. 89, lease from the priory to William le Westerne, abstract [no. 635]; p. 89, lease from the priory to Thomas de Merston, abstract [no. 650]; p. 90, lease from the same to John Clark, abstract [no. 673]; p.90, gift from Henry de Shulton to William de Passenham, abstract [no. 670]; p. 91, gift from William Verney to Richard Blaby, abstract [no. 355]; p. 91, lease from the priory of Coventry to John Halum, 24 April 1389, abstract; p.92, notes of the tithes held by the priory of Coventry as the rector of Stivichall; p.92,lease from the priory of Coventry to John Halum, abstract [no. 699]; pp.93-94, gift from Joylinus de Stivichall to William le Western [no. 622]; pp.94-5, note of a gift from William le Westerne to Thomas Legat [no. 633]; pp.95-97b, gift from Thomas Legat to William le Westerne [no. 634]; p.98, gift from Joylinus de Stivichall to John Minot, abstract [no. 613]; pp.98-9, gift from the same to William le Westerne, abstract [no. 626]; p.99, abstract of charter of Geoffrey de Langley to John Minot, 1272-3; pp.99-100, gift from Alice le Westerne to Thomas de Merston, abstract, [no.646]; p.100, abstract of charter of John of Stivichall to Thomas de Merston and Joan his wife, July 1315-July 1316; p.101, gift from Adam of Solihull to Thomas de Merston, abstract [no. 640]; p.101, gift from John of Stivichall to the same, abstract [no.641]; pp.101-2, gift from Roger Deysey to the same, abstract [no. 648]; p.102, gift from Agnes Barwe to the same, abstract [no. 643]; p.102, the same to the same, abstract [no. 644] The following section relates to property in Finham: pp.102-3, gift from Roger de Finham to Robert de Lokinton, abstract [no. 1026]; p.103, gift from Robert of Lokinton to John le Armurer, abstract [no. 1027]; p.103, abstract of a charter from Thomas de Finham to William Smith, November 1278-November 1279; p.103, gift from Thomas son of William Smith to Thomas Richende, abstract [no. 1024]; p.104, gift from Thomas Richende to John Russel, abstract [no. 1025]; p.104, abstract of a charter of John Russel to John le Armurer, April 1314; p.104, quitclaim from Thomas de Finham to the same, abstract [no. 1029]; p. 104-104b, quitclaim from John le Armurer to Thomas de Merston, abstract [no. 1030]; The following relate to Stivichall: pp.104b-105, notes on the descent of the Overhalstude between 1342 and 1349, including abstracts of nos. 657 and 663; p.105, notes on other land in Stivichall pertaining to the manor; p.105, gift from Richard son of Hugh de Stiperdon, and Alice his wife, to John le Horewell and Alice his wife, 3 July 1340 [See no. 656]. pp. 107-120, metes and bounds of land, pertaining to the Overhalstude, in Stivichall and Finham. pp. 120-159 are divided into sections, each one relating to a free tenant's estate in Stivichall. Chief rents due to the bishop are also given and some of the holdings are preceded by abstracts of charters and evidences relating to the property (pp.120-121, partially obliterated). i) p.122, holding of John Segrave ii) pp.122-124, holding of Henry Patlington, with abstracts of a charter of John Canley to William de Canley, 1292-1293; a charter of Robert de Barwe to William de Canley, 1319-1320; a charter of Reginald Ballard to Geoffrey le Norres, 5 February, 1326/7; and a charter of Ralph de Stratton to his son, 10 October 1327. iii) pp.124-129, the holding of Joan Skote, with abstracts or copies of a charter of John le Eye to Thomas de ----, n.d.; another charter of John le Eyr [no.642]; a charter of Roger le Eyr [no. 665]; a charter of Richard son of William Adkins [no. 666]; and charter of Joan Skote [no. 731]. iv) pp.129-132, unidentified holding, with abstracts of a charter of Robert de Barewe [no. 684]; a charter of Adam de Keresley and others [no. 693]; a charter of John Halon [no.698]; and a charter of William Pikerell to John Clark, 1343. v) p.131, the holding of Stephen de Liston. vi) pp. 132-154, the holdings of Thomas Essex, with copies or abstracts of a charter of Viel de Foleshill to Robert his nephew, n.d.; a charter of Henry Mile to Robert de Stoke, n.d.; charter of Walter de Langley [no.604]; three charters of Ranulph son of Hugh Prest to Robert Pikerell, n.d.; three charters of the same to John le Buttere, n.d.; charter of Ranulph son of Hugh Walter to the same, n.d.; two charters of Augustine son of John le Buttere to Robert Pikerell, 1296; two charters of the same to Richard le Wodeward, one without date, the other 1296-7; charter to Nicholas Parker to Robert Pikerell, 1305-6; charter of Ranulph son of Hugh Prest to Henry Smith, n.d.; two charters of Agnes de Shenton to Robert Pikerell, 1294; charter of Henry Mile to Robert Pikerell, n.d.; charter of Agnes de Barewe to William Manclerke, 24 July 1318; charter of William de Asthull to John de Shulton, 1344; charter of Robert of Stivichall to Thomas Carter, n.d.; charter of Richard son of William de Stivichall to John his brother, n.d.; charter of William de Wentebridge to William Leycester, 1342; lease from Katherine of Honington to William Gilkes, 1375; charter of Adam de Keresley [no. 693]; charter of John Halum to Katherine de Honington, 25 April 1396; charter of William Babthorp to John Pake, 9 September, 1465; charter of Thomas Moston to Thomas Essex, 12 August 1476; a lease from Thomas Shulton to William Felowe, 1358; a lease from William Babthorp to William Ratcliff, 23 September 1441; a lease from Margaret Babthorp to John Bedle, 1447-8; a lease from the same to Richard Cox, 1452-3; lease from William Babthorp to Thomas Rutebie, 28 January 1461/2; charter of Viel de Foleshill to Robert his nephew, n.d.; quitclaim from William de Hally to William de Shulton concerning land in Asthul, 1344; quitclaim from Henry de Kempstone to Thomas Shulton concerning land in Asthul, 1361; metes and bounds of land called Bawklond. vii) pp. 154-7: unidentified holding reciting a charter of Philip le Norisun [no. 597]. viii)pp.157-9: holding of the lord of Carswell, reciting information concerning John de Langley and a charter from George de Carswell to Henry Bagot, 1383-4. pp. 159-168 appear to be of a miscellaneous nature: p.159: copy from Stivichall court roll, 1443-4. pp.159-161; metes and bounds of lands once belonging to the barony of Chester, and now to the chapel of St. Michael in Coventry. pp.161-2; common rights in Stivichall (very faded). pp.163-5; faded charters concerning Kingswood in Fletchampstead, including a deed of ?1421 and a copy of no. 1064. pp.165-8; levy of a fifteenth in Stoneleigh.