'Collectanea': Wheler Papers
Collection relating to Stratford-upon-Avon made from the Corporation Records and numerous other sources by Robert Bell Wheler; the whole very carefully transcribed in his own hand.
Among the special subjects treated under separate headings are:
i) Surveys of the Manor, from 1289, p.3.
ii) John de Stratford, Archbishop of Canterbury, and others of his family, p. 15.
iii) The Free School, pp 42, 139, 140, 142, 506.
iv) Guild of the Holy Cross, p. 51.
v) Charters, 1553, p. 69; 1610, p.103; 1664, p.85; 1674, p.99.
vi) Bye-Laws, 1665, p.117.
vii) Borough seals, axos and maces, pp 79, 152.
viii) Deeds, etc. relating to Shakespeare's Birthplace and other property, p. 123.
ix) Fires, p. 135.
x) Bridge, pp. 143, 194, 202, 487, 389.
xi) Chantries, pp. 144, 152, 173.
xii) Shakespeare's Monument, p. 148.
xiii) Drawings of tokens, etc. p. 155.
xiv) Navigation of the Avon, pp 157, 404.
xv) `Memoranda Notabilia' free Corporation Records, pp 167, 499.
xvi) John Combe's will, 12/13 p.170.
xvii) Clopton, p.175.
xviii) Case as to a refusal to become a Burgess, 1751, p.191.
xix) Shakespeare's Crab Tree, pp 201-202.
xx) Extracts from the Vestry Book, 1617-1847, pp 203, 259, 431.
xxi) Facsimiles of signatures, pp. 241, 265.
xxii) Bishopton Register, p. 271.
xxiii) George Carew, Earl of Totness, p. 280.
xxiv) Sir Edward Walker, pp. 295, 299.
xxv) Extracts from Parish Register, 1558-1812, pp. 301-352.
xxvi) Weston-upon-Avon Register, 1685-1777, p. 353.
xxvii) Extracts' from Sir Simon Archer's MS collections', pp.355-361, 485.
xxviii) Sir William Keyte, p. 370.
xxviiia) Welchman family, pp.376-7
xxix) Shottery Court Rolls, p. 378.
xxx) Warwick Hospital, p. 381.
xxxi) Stratford Church, p. 384.
xxxii) Shakespeare's Mulberry Tree, p. 395.
xxxiii) Bye-Laws and Borough Companies, p. 397.
xxxiv) Corporation case as to borrowing money, 1743-4, p. 400.
xxxv) Rev, John Huckell, p. 411. xxxvi) Poor-rates, with notes on the names, 1801, p. 415.
xxxvii) Shakespeare Hall, p. 427.
xxxviii) Wheler's letters to the Gentleman's Magazine. 1808-10, with letter to Wheler from Malone, 13 Jun 1810, pp. 467-472.
xxxix) Revenue and Expenditure of the Corporation, 1812, p. 480.
xxl) `Account of the Inhabitants', 1765, p. 507.
xxli) Transcripts of deeds, including (p. 533) Huband to Shakespeare, 24 Jul 1605, p. 507.