Mason Family; Bargain and Sale, Bromley to Olney and Others
Bargain and sale for the consideration of £400 between John Bromley of Stratford upon Avon, maltster and Elizabeth his wife on the first part and Michael Olney of Stratford upon Avon, gentleman and Thomas Baylis, chapman of Stratford upon Avon on the second part. Property: Close of four acres known as Clopton Close in Ols Stratford now or late in the tenure of John Bromley, another close in Old Stratford in the same tenure lying between the lands of the late William Reynolds on the south and the north and extending from the lane by the Avon on the east to the land late of William Morrell on the west part, also barn of 5 bays standing on part of last mentioned close. Condition(s): To hold to the only use of the said Thomas Bayliss of the chief lord of the fee for rights and services. Signed by: John Bromley and Elizabeth Bromley (by mark) and witnessed by William Biddle, John Brooke, Mathew Biggins, Thomas Dighton, Robert Archer, Thomas Taylor and Hugh Taylor. Endorsed to the effect that: 1. Original in the posession of Thomas Mason at the Blackhouse in Bread Street to whom Thomas Baylis devised the meadow ground called Clopton Close. 2. 1735, the original came to the hands of Thomas Mason of Stamford, Linclonshire the executor of his brother Nathaniel who devised the close to his infant daughter jane, it having been given to him by the above Thomas Mason, father of Thomas and Nathaniel. Fine: Thomas Baylis, John Bromley and Elizabeth his wife to the value of £41 dated easter 1650.