Hiron: Slatter, Son and More, Stratford-upon-Avon
Correspondence and papers relating to the death and estate of Laurence Archer Hiron, Barberton, South Africa. Includes copy will, dated 24 June 1892, draft executors' accounts, legacy receipts and correspondence: from and to Hobbes and Norbury, solicitors, Stratford-upon-Avon , Gregory Rowlcliffe, London, solicitors, the Bank of South Africa, Chesterton and Steeds, Barberton, South Africa and Donaldson Seivwright, Lourenco Marques, importers. Also included are bills from the Misses Crawford, Waltham House, Stratford-upon-Avon for the education and maintenance of Miss May Wentworth, chargeable on the estate of L.A. Hiron .