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Receipts from Henry Smith, Robert Knight, John Ward, Jo[seph] Perkins, Thomas Hiccox, L S Phillips and Jo[seph] Barber


Receipt from Henry Smith for £3 interest on £100 lent to the Chamber, 29 May 1675; receipt from Robert Knight for £4 0s 4d for the use of the poor, 2 Jun 1675; receipt from John Ward, vicar, for 13s 4d for sermons preached, 2 Jun 1675; receipt from Jo[seph] Perkins for £11, 25 Jun 1675. On reverse, receipt from Thomas Hiccox [on behalf of his brother, William, lately Chamberlain] for £16 0s 4d, 26 Feb 1674; and fragment of receipt from L S Phillips and Jo[seph] Barber for 14s ?d for the Constables' levy for Old Stratford, 2 Apr 1675