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Extract from the 'Diary of John Adams'


Photocopied extract from the published version of 'Diary of John Adams' p. 184-185.

This includes the section 'Notes on a Tour of English Country Seats etc., with Thomas Jefferson, 4th - 10th [?] April 1786'. Mention is made of the significance of Edgehill to the fight for liberty. Observations are also made about how Shakespeare is commemorated in Stratford-upon-Avon and this section has been underlined on the photocopy.

Related material

The source for this photocopy is believed to be a copy in the Library of Congress of 'The Diary and Autobiography of John Adams', edited by L.H. Butterfield and published by Belknap Press, Harvard University, 1961. As a published work, many institutions hold copies of this book, which can be identified through union catalogues such as WorldCat.

The Trust Library has an expanded version of this extract (pages 184 - 187), copied at a different time and with a separate provenance - Reading Room Pamphlet - 87.3/ADA, accession 82014507.

'The Wines and Travels of Thomas Jefferson' by James M. Gabler (1995).

Custodial History

This photocopy was donated by James M. Gabler in 1992.

Admin History

This photocopy was made by or for James M. Gabler, as part of his research into Thomas Jefferson.