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Deed of Sale: Ingon, Old Stratford and Shottery


Deed of Sale dated 10 January 6 Elizabeth [1564], by William Clopton of Clopton, esq., to William Bott of Stratford-upon-Avon, gent., of three pastures called the Nether Ingen alias Ington, a meadow called Synder meydow in Nether Ingen, in the parish of Byshops Hampton, late in the tenure of Richard Charnocke and William Baylyes of Welcum, and a windmill, four yards of arable land and 29 `leys' in the fields of Old Stratford and in the `home' next adjoining to the said fields, together with a meadow in Shotterey meydowe, in the occupation of John Combes and John Lewys, alias Atkyns.