Assignment of Lease: Stourbridge
Assignment dated 20 February 1687/8 (Old style) [1688], by Thomas Hamond of Kinlett, co. Salop., gent., John Hunt of Birmingham, gent., and Joshua Bradley of Stowerbridge, co. Worc., gent., executors of Joshua Newbrough late of Stowerbridge, ironmonger, to Ambrose Crowley of Stowerbridge, smith, of a Lease from Mary Hickman, late of Stowerbridge, widow to the said Joshua Newbrough, dated 2 February 20 Charles II [1668], of a meadow of four acres in Stowerbridge adjoining the river Stower for 85 years at a yearly rent of £11. Witnesses: Edward Henzey, John Jeston and Roger Horneblower.