Lease and Release: Halford

Conveyance by Lease and Release from Thomas Halford of Halford, yeoman, to Edward Townsend of Alveston, gent., for the purpose of paying debts owing by him to the several persons mentioned in a schedule thereto, of the premises described in ER3/2321; to hold in trust to satisfy the said debts out of the rents and profits during the life of Thomas Halford and thereafter, as to and concerning one yard land parcel thereof not limited as jointure to Dorothy, wife of the said Thomas, to the use of Edward Townsend and his heirs for ever; and moreover, the said Thomas Halford granted to the said Edward Townsend all his goods and chattels thereinafter mentioned, namely all his ?ploughs, wagons, corn, grain and hay etc., upon trust for sale, subject to a proviso for redemption. Witnesses: John Higgins, Elizabeth Rowney, Edmund Perks and William Pomerton.