Assignment of Executorship: Stratford-upon-Avon

Deed Poll by Thomas Hill of Stratford-upon-Avon, gent., executor of the Will of John Butler late of Harbury, deceased (reciting the Will of John Butler, dated 8 November 1666, appointing Thomas Hill his executor and that the said will was proved in the Prerogative Court in Easter Term last past, and reciting that Thomas Hill, by articles dated 23 April 1667 made between him and William Spencer of Stony Thorpe, Esq., covenanted before Whitsun Monday then ensuing to make an assignment of the executorship and all his right, title, interest etc. in the same, except the right of the said Thomas as executor to two tenements in Stratford aforesaid, the one in the tenure of Henry Hall and the other in the tenure of Joseph Brandon) whereby it was witnessed that Thomas Hill, for £5, assigned to William Spencer the office of executor of the Will of John Butler and all his interest in the goods and chattels of John Butler, except as excepted. Witnesses: Robert Archer, R. Molineux and Richard Cooke.