Grant of Property: Berkswell
Settlement between James Cayley of Berkeswell, gent., and Mary his wife (only daughter and sole heir of Barlow Evitts, late of Berkswell, gent., deceased) of the one part and Elizabeth Harbourne of Berkswell, widow, late also the wife of the said Barlow Evitts and mother of Mary (wife of the said James Cayley) of the other part, whereby James Cayley and Mary his wife granted to Elizabeth Harbourne a messuage and four closes called Barn Croft, Little Field, Barley Field and Shirley Field situate in Corneast End near Sliperslade in Berkswell, in the tenure of Robert Cox; also the over part of the meadow in the occupation of Robert Cox belonging to Humfry's Farme in Beechend, in lieu and satisfaction of dower whereunto she was entitled out of the said premises after the death of Barlow Evitts her late husband. Witnesses: George Smyth, Thomas Rose, John Whitehead and Thomas Love.