Demise of Property: Wood Street, Stratford-upon-Avon

Demise dated 5 January 1655/6 (Old style) [1656] by Francis Smyth of Stratford-upon-Avon, ironmonger, and John Brookes of the same, mercer, to Robert Dale of Stratford, gent., and Edward Smyth of the same, ironmonger, of two messuages in Stratford, lying together in Wood Street lately purchased by the said Francis of Richard Castle the elder and Richard Castle the younger; to hold the same for 70 years, beginning at the death of the said Francis and terminable by the death of Ann his wife, and in trust to the use of the said Ann as a jointure. Witnesses: Francis Smyth, Joseph Brooke and Mathew Odams. See also ER3/7.