Marriage Settlement: Oxhill
Settlement dated 24 August 12 Charles I [1636], whereby John Blackford of Oxhill, yeoman, in consideration of a Marriage already had between Anthony Blackford his son and heir and Alice daughter of John Reynolds of Lighthorne, grants to Daniel Smart of Oxhill, clerk and Edward Eddon of Oxhill, yeoman, a messuage, with close and barn, two closes, called Thornie Close and Nether Close, and three yardlands in Oxhill in the tenure of himself or Anthony Blackford, and also a messuage, close and one and a half yardlands in Oxhill in the tenure of Richard Blackford, his brother, all which premises were the inheritance of John Blackford his father; in trust, as regards the messuage and close first named, Thornie Close and two yardlands, to the use of Anthony Blackford for life and at his death one moiety to the use of Alice, his wife for life with remainder to his heirs male, the other moiety to his heirs male, with remainder of both moieties, in default, to the right heirs of John Blackford and, as regards Nether Close and the third yardland and the messuage, close and one and a half yardlands in the tenure of Richard Blackford, to the use of John Blackford and his heirs and assigns. Witnesses: Robert Davies, Walter Sommerton and Matthew Townsende. Incorrectly endorsed on reverse as '24 August 12 Charles I 1637'.