Appointment of Attornies to deliver Seisin: High Street, Stratford-upon-Avon
Deed executed by Thomas Osborn of Stratford, barber, appointing William Darker, clerk, John Brygges, gent., and John Samuell of the same, dyer, his attornies, to deliver to Hugh Chesnall, clerk, John Bedyll, William Wylkes, Henry Thomys, Thomas Thomys, Thomas Cale, John Geynkyns, William Frere, Thomas Rose, Robert Egott and John Magott of Clifford Chambers and John Yerle of Ailstone, seisin of his tenement situate in 'le Hyzestrete' [High Street], between the tenement of Thomas Staffordsher, which Richard Bogy now dwells in, on the South side, and a tenement of William Mylner, which Thomas Draper lately inhabited, on the North side. Witnesses: John Brystewell, master of the Guild of Stratford, Richard Bentley, capital bailiff, Roger Pagett, alderman and John Power and Richard Persons, sub-bailiffs. Dated at Stratford, 5 August 5 Henry VII [1490]. Circular seal of red wax, a Tudor rose (?).