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Assignment of Mortgage: Bridge Street, Stratford-upon-Avon


Assignment by Henry Churchill of Stratford-upon-Avon, gent., (who married Mary Rose widow of Nathaniel Rose, late of Stratford, tallow-chandler) to Joseph Woolmer of Stratford, gent., of a Mortgage for 900 years dated 25 April 1657 from Thomas Hitchcox, barber-chirurgeon, to Richard Hunt, mercer, of a toft in Stratford in Bridge Street (between a tenement then in the tenure of Richard Ainge and formerly in the that of Francis Ainge, gent., and a tenement then in the tenure of John Rooke and formerly in that of Arthur Cawdry, gent.) together with a messuage lately erected thereon, 'whereunto then lately was annexed the signe of the Angell', then in the tenure of Simon Horne, which Mortgage was assigned 30 September 1685 by Abigail Hunt, widow, and Joseph Hunt, gent., executors of Richard Hunt, to the above Nathaniel Rose, the premises then being in the tenure of Anne Ashfeild, widow; the now assignment being to secure the repayment of £130 with £3 5s 0d interest, on 29 September following. Witnesses: Thomas Woolmer and Thomas Barker. See also ER3/97.

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