Lease: Henley Street, Stratford-upon-Avon
Articles of Agreement between John Payton of Stratford-upon-Avon, wine merchant, of the one part and William Barke of Weston on the Green, co. Oxon., gent., James Clarke of Oxford, mercer, and Charles Cross of Woodstock, co. Oxon., innholder, of the other part, for the lease by the said John Payton to William Barke of the White Lion Inn, with offices, stables, etc. in Stratford, for 7 years, at a yearly rent of £60, with conditions for renewal, and excepting to the said John Payton the long vaults, new coach-house, etc.; also for a lease to the same for 7 years from Lady Day, 1785, of the shop ground in Old Stratford at the rent as valued by the Inclosure Commissioners and of Keene Meadow in the same place at a rent of £18; and for the sale to the same of stock, furniture, etc. except such as pertain to 'the Coach and Hearse Business' etc. With other conditions, etc. and mutual bonds in £500 to observe covenants, the said James Clarke and Charles Cross being sureties for William Barke. Witnesses: Charles H. Hunt and Henry Baker.