Lease: High Street, Stratford-upon-Avon
Lease from Henry Dighton of Clifford Chambers, esq., William Combe, esq., Robert Loggin, esq., Richard Dighton, son and heir apparent of the said Henry, William Wattes, clerk, William Cale, Thomas Hobbins, George Morris, Edward Browne, Thomas Martin of Clifford Chambers, yeoman, and John Cale son of the said William Cale, Feoffees to Charitable Uses in Clifford Chambers to Thomas Mason of Stratford-on-Avon barber chirurgien, of a messuage in High Street, Stratford-on-Avon, bounded on the south side by land then belonging to Francis Halford and in the tenure of John Perks, and on the north side by the land now late in the tenure of John Noble, and extending from the street side of the land late of the College in the tenure of the said John Noble; for 21 years at a yearly rent of 40 shillings. Seal of red wax papered. Witnesses: Edward Owen and Job Owen.