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- BRU Stratford-upon-Avon Borough, 1370-1942
- BRU15 Volumes of miscellaneous documents, 1370-1886
- BRU15/4 'Miscellaneous Documents, Vol. 4', [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/1 Demurrer of Stephen Burman to the action of Guy Heyward concerning a debt for wheat and other grain, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/2 John Atwood summoned to answer Ursula Feild, widow, in an action of debt, 1597-1598
- BRU15/4/3 John Turner v. John Perrye, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/4 Demurrer of Edward Hunt and Frances his wife, executors of William Smarte, to the action of John Smyth, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/5 William Wright attached to answer Edmund Perse in a plea of debt, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/6 Demurrer of Nicholas Knowles to John Walford in a plea of debt in a matter relating to a cow, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/7 Thomas Smythe v. Robert Reade, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/8 Thomas Smythe v. Laurence Holmes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/9 Stephen Burman summoned to answer Guy Heyward in a matter respecting the lease of a messuage in Shottery to John Wheeler assigned to Burman, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/10 Demurrer of Robert Mumworth and wife to the suit of Richard Ange, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/11 Rejoinder of John Atwood in the matter with Ursula Field, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/12 John Atwood v. Ursula Fielde, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/13 Henry Burfort summoned to answer Thomas Smythe in a suit respecting a debt incurred for a black felt hat, 1596
- BRU15/4/14 Robert Reade summoned to answer Thomas Smythe concerning a loan, 1594
- BRU15/4/15 Laurence Holmes summoned to answer Thomas Smythe in a suit to recover the value of three black felt hats delivered to one William Poole at the request of the said Holmes, 1595
- BRU15/4/16 Henry Wilson v. William Troute, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/17 George Badger v. Magdalen Trussell, widow, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/18 Edward Hunt and wife, executors of William Smart, summoned to answer John Smythe, draper, 1591-1592
- BRU15/4/19 Demurrer of Robert Graye alias Helye to the suit of John Burman, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/20 Demurrer of Richard Harrington to John Burman in a suit respecting the sale of barley, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/21 Bills of costs in the following suits,--Francis Smyth v. William Parsons ; Thomas Read v. Richard Quyney [Quiney]; Thomas Godwin junior v. Hamnet Sadler ; George Badger v. John Ichever; Robert Bukler v. John Edon ; Thomas Hiccox v. Francis Burnell, [1593]
- BRU15/4/22 Nicholas Knowles, clerk, attached to answer John Walforde in a plea of debt, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/23 Richard Massam v. Edward Hopkyns, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/24 John Atwood v. Ursula Feilde, widow, touching some bedding etc delivered with a tenement, 1598
- BRU15/4/25 Demurrer of Thomas Phillipps to the action of Hamnet Sadler, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/26 Thomas Phillips summoned to answer Hamnet Sadler in a suit respecting the detention of five quarters and two bushels of wheat, 1596-1596
- BRU15/4/27 John Rogers v. Richard Wilkins, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/28 Thomas Hiccoxe v. Francis Burnell, 1597-1598
- BRU15/4/29 John Mauncell summoned to answer John Rogers in a suit respecting a debt incurred for twelve hundredweight of lead, 1592-1594
- BRU15/4/30 Richard Wilkins summoned to answer John Rogers for twelve gallons of beer supplied, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/31 Robert Graye alias Helye summoned to answer John Burman respecting money lent, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/32 John Perry summoned to answer John Turner, gentleman, in a suit respecting a bill of obligation, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/33 William Troute summoned to answer Henry Willson in a suit relating to some sheep and lambskins, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/34 Robert Munmorth and wife summoned to answer Richard Ange respecting a parcel of barley straw purchased in 1594, 1594
- BRU15/4/35 John Evens attached to answer William Slatter about an engagement as carpenter, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/36 William Troute summoned to answer Henry Willson in a plea of debt, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/37 Edward Hopkyns attached to answer Richard Massam in a suit respecting a loan, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/38 Bills of costs in these suits,--John Lawrence v. Richard Bennett, Robert Butler v. John Edon, Thomas Rogers v. Thomas Bridges, [1593-1594]
- BRU15/4/39 John Ichever attached to answer George Badger upon a bill of obligation, 1593
- BRU15/4/40 John Portman alias Poolehowse v. Arthur Wilkes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/41 William Engworthe attached to answer Francis Hapkines respecting a bill of obligation, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/42 Leonard Bennett attached to answer John Lawrence in a case of debt, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/43 William Smarte v. John Smythe, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/44 John Rogers v. Thomas Allen, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/45 Rejoinder in the cause between William Smarte and John Smythe, about the making of a cloak, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/46 Magdalen Trussell attached to answer George Badger in a plea of debt, 1597
- BRU15/4/47 John Edon attached to answer Robert Butler in a transaction in regard to some barley, 1593-1594
- BRU15/4/48 Edward Palmer to Thomas Badger, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/49 Demurrer of William Smarte to John Smythe, in a plea of debt, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/50 Thomas Allen attached to answer John Rogers with respect to the purchase of three dozen couple of conies, 1589-1590
- BRU15/4/51 William Smarte v. John Smythe, vintner, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/52 Bills of costs in these suits,--William Quyney [Quiney] v. Thomas Hiccokes, William Perrye v. Hamnet Sadler, John Lane senior v. William Troute, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/53 William Smarte summoned to answer John Smythe vintner, respecting the purchase of two yards and a quarter of silke sipers [cipress], 1595
- BRU15/4/54 Edward Palmer summoned to answer Thomas Badger in a plea of debt, 1597
- BRU15/4/55 Arthur Wilkes summoned to answer John Portman alias Poolehowse in a plea of debt incurred by the purchase of two oxen, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/56 Precept to the Serjeant-at-Mace for Arter Wilkes to answer John Portman alias Poulehowsse, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/57 Precept for Robert Grene to answer William Pery, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/58 Precepts to the Serjeant-at-Mace for Thomas Alene to answer John Rogeres, and for Edward Palmer to answer Thomas Badger, 1597
- BRU15/4/59 Nicholas Jevens alias James summoned to answer John Smyth, baker, for the carriage of wood, 1593-1594
- BRU15/4/60 John Smythe, vintener, summoned to answer William Smarte about the making of a cloak, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/61 Thomas Eton summoned to answer John Smythe, baker, for arrears of debt, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/62 Precept for Richard Croe to answer John Aunger, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/63 Precept for Philip Rogers to answer John Smythe, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/64 William Troute summoned to answer John Lane, senior, on money matters, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/65 Richard Croe attached to answer John Aunger on a bill of obligation, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/66 Roger Welch v. Nycholas Tybbottes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/67 Thomas Eaton v. Ralph Lorde, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/68 William Rogers v. William Reade, and William Momford v. Thomas Brydges, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/69 List of jurors in the cause between William Perye and Hamlet Sadler, on money matters, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/70 List of jurors in the action between John Boyes and George Gibes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/71 Hamnet Sadler summoned to answer Thomas Godwyn junior, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/72 Hamnet Sadler summoned to answer John Lupton for twenty-four shillings, being for the hire of a mare at xij.d per diem, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/73 Robert Reade summoned to answer William Rogers in a plea of debt, 1596-1596
- BRU15/4/74 John Lane v. William Smarte, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/75 William Pitman attached to answer George Smyth in a plea of debt, 1593-1594
- BRU15/4/76 Michaell Purser attached to answer Francis Bennett for a debt of 16£, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/77 Richard Quyney [Quiney] summoned to answer Thomas Reade upon a writing of obligation, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/78 List of jurors' names in the cause of Nicholas Tybbottes v. Roger Welche, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/79 John Lane v. William Smarte in an action of debt, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/80 John Lane v. William Smarte, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/81 Nicholas Jevins alias James summoned to answer John Smythe, vintner, for ten shillings, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/82 Demurrer of George Gibbes to the action of John Boyce, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/83 Demurrer of Hamnet Sadler to William Perry, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/84 Richard Williams attached to answer Robert Fisher, on money matters, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/85 John Smyth, vintner, summoned to answer William Underhill, gentleman, respecting borrowed money, 1592-1593
- BRU15/4/86 George Gibbes attached to answer John Boyce about the apprenticing John Gibbes, son of the said George, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/87 John Mace summoned to answer George Mace respecting the purchase of a waistcoat, a 'paire of yellowe carsey stockinges', ij.s. vj.d, and other matters, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/88 Ralph Lorde summoned to answer Thomas Eaton respecting an agreement to enter service for a twelvemonth, 1591-1592
- BRU15/4/89 Thomas Eton summoned to answer John Smythe alias Courte, in a matter of debt, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/90 Hamnet Sadler summoned to answer William Perrye in a matter respecting the sale of a mare to one Thomas Phillippes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/91 Thomas Rogers, gentleman, summoned to answer Thomas Bridges, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/92 Demurrer of Roger Welche to the suit of Nicholas Tybbottes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/93 Roger Welche summoned to answer Nicholas Tybbottes about some malt, 1582-1583
- BRU15/4/94 William Parsons v. William Kighte, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/95 Robert Fysher v. Richard Williams, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/96 John Lane, v. William Smarte, concerning some barley, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/97 Richard Elcockes v. Richard Mayo, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/98 Thomas Lee alias Gylbert attached to answer Adam Reeve, respecting an agreement to work at twelvepence per week, 1592-1593
- BRU15/4/99 Three precepts to the Serjeant-at-Mace for the following--Guy Howard to answer George Greene, George Gybbes to answer John Boyce, John Mase to George Mase, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/100 Roger Welche v. Nycholas Tybbottes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/101 Adam Reeve v. Thomas Lee alias Gilbert, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/102 Precept for Paul Barlet to answer Margaret Younge, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/103 Edward Bromley summoned to answer Richard Ashton in a plea of debt, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/104 Francis Burnell summoned to answer Thomas Hiccockes on a bill of obligation, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/105 Thomas Rogers v. William Walford, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/106 Henry Brandon attached to answer Anthony Nashe, gentleman, on money matters, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/107 Thomas Hiccockes attached to answer William Quyney [Quiney] concerning a loan of five pounds, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/108 Bills of costs in the following suits,--John Tubb v. George Cleeve, Richard Dixon v. Thomas Rogers, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/109 Precept for William Cautye to answer William Parsons, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/110 Thomas Tredwelle v. William Hollys alias Weaver, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/111 Verdict of a jury cause unknown, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/112 John Tubbe v. George Cleve respecting the sale of six quarters of barley, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/113 William Dickenson v. William Brant, [1596]
- BRU15/4/114 Roger Welche v. Nicholas Tybbottes, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/115 William Walford summoned to answer Thomas Rogers for board, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/116 Richard Dixon v. Thomas Rogers in a suit respecting the rent of a house inhabited by Rogers, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/117 Nicholas Barnhurst. v. Anthony Yate, and John Williams v. Thomas Slater, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/118 William Hollys attached to answer Thomas Tredwell in a plea of debt, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/119 Richard Maw summoned to answer Richard Elcockes about the purchase of a cow, 1583-1584
- BRU15/4/120 William Parsons summoned to answer Francis Smyth senior upon a bill of obligation, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/121 Precept for William Belowes to answer Thomas Tredell, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/122 Demurrer of Richard Dixon to the action of Thomas Rogers, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/123 Alexander Rogers attached to answer George Badger in a matter of debt, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/124 Richard Boyce v. John Perry, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/125 Nicholas Barnhurst v. Antony Yate on money matters, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/126 Robert Fisher summoned to answer Edward Ange on money matters, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/127 Thomas Rogers summoned to answer Richard Walford respecting a loan, 1593-1594
- BRU15/4/128 Richard Dixon alias Waterman summoned to answer Thomas Rogers senior respecting the purchase of some barley-straw, 1583-1584
- BRU15/4/129 Richard Boyes summoned to answer Alured Jakeman upon a bill obligatory, 1594-1595
- BRU15/4/130 Three precepts, George Browne to answer Thomas Barber, Richard Williams to answer Robert Fisher, and Thomas Harrison to answer William Parsons, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/131 John Lane senior v. George Wheler for rent, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/132 Stephen Burman v. Henry Pretty and Lewis Rogers; John Smith, vinter, v. Thomas Sadler, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/133 Demurrer of George Cleve to the action of John Tubb, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/134 Daniel Smyth summoned to answer William Collyns respecting a loan, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/135 George Badger v. Philip Grene, William Momford v. William Trowte, Robert Warner v. Robert Reade, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/136 Nycholas Tybbottes summoned to answer Roger Welche on a writing of obligation, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/137 Antony Nash v. Abraham Sturley, William Wyatt v. Antony Wolson, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/138 William Trowte summoned to answer Roger Wellche about money matters, 1598-1599
- BRU15/4/139 William Perrye v. William Wyott, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/140 William Knibb attached to answer Daniel Baker on money matters, 1599-1600
- BRU15/4/141 William Cawdrie attached to answer Thomas Sparrey respecting the purchase of a mare, 1598-1599
- BRU15/4/142 William Momford or Mountford v. Richard Colchester respecting the demise of a garden in Stratford, 1597-1598
- BRU15/4/143 William Wyott summoned to answer William Perrye, a debt for growing-crops of oats, 1600-1601
- BRU15/4/144 Demurrer of Francis Bellers to the action of William Perrie about some loins of mutton, and a summons in the same suit, 1599-1600
- BRU15/4/145 Richard Benson and wife v. John Lodbrooke, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/146 Richard Gibbes summoned to answer Thomas Bridges in an action upon costs in the Court of Record, 1599-1600
- BRU15/4/147 Anthony Nashe, gentleman, v. Abraham Sturley on money matters, 1598-1599
- BRU15/4/148 John Ladbrook attached to answer William Slatter and Anne his wife respecting the engagement of plaintiff's wife when single as servant, and a precept in the same cause, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/149 William Perrye v. Francis Bellers, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/150 Two precepts to the Serjeant-at-Mace for William Pardye to answer John Waker and William Wylles to answer Davy Robardes, 1595-1596
- BRU15/4/151 Richard Meo v. Harry Rogers, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/152 John Smyth v. Oliver Hiccox, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/153 Richard Mayoe v. Henry Rogers, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/154 Richard Sponer v. James Ellettes, a suit respecting some barley, [1570-1600]
- BRU15/4/155 Richard Sponer complains of John Page concerning the engrossing of some barley, [1570-1600]
- BRU15/4/156 Humfry Pynder summoned to answer Thomas Ballume about the delivery of a gelding to a coalman for three sacks of coals, 1584-1585
- BRU15/4/157 Henry Rogers summoned to answer Richard Maio alias Fletcher respecting a debt incurred for meat, half a hide, some tallow and the dressing of an ox, 1584-1585
- BRU15/4/158 Precept for Thomas Vicars to answer William Parsons, 1580-1581
- BRU15/4/159 John Browne summoned to answer Thomas Sheffeld respecting the demise of a tenement in Bridge Street, 1582-1583
- BRU15/4/160 Precepts for Richard Sutton to answer John Smyth, Edward Ichiver to answer William Perry, and Thomas Ryle to answer Ralph Shelde Esquire, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/161 Charles Bainton and George Bardell v. Thomas Rogers, 1578-1579
- BRU15/4/162 Precept for John Oldfielde to answer William Mount-forde, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/163 Precept for Stephen Hallford to satisfy Edward Fielde for costs in a suit, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/164 Hamnet Sadler attached to answer William Perrye, on money matters, 1604-1605
- BRU15/4/165 Thomas Combe v. William Parsons, and Thomas Sheffeld v. John Browne, [1585-1586]
- BRU15/4/166 William Parsons summoned to answer Thomas Combe, gentleman, on a bill of obligation, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/167 Oliver Hiccox summoned to answer John Smythe in a plea of debt, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/168 Richard Halford v. Edward Fielde, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/169 George Digby and others v. William Brayne, the demurrer, a suit respecting some conyes [rabbits], [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/170 William Brayne, administrator of the goods and chattells of one John Travers, attached to answer George Digbighe, Esquire, John Edgeocke, and Richard Clerke, gentlemen, executors of the will of Sir John Huband deceased, 1581-1582
- BRU15/4/171 Thomas Vikers attached to answer William Parsons, in a suit respecting the purchase of some grey frieze, 1582
- BRU15/4/172 Roger Welche summoned to answer Robert Gybbes about putting out cattle to pasture, 1584-1585
- BRU15/4/173 Humfrey Peynder summoned to answer Humfrey Brace, on money matters, 1584-1585
- BRU15/4/174 Robert Gibbs v. Roger Welshe, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/175 William Moore v. Richard Jacksonne, on money matters, 1584-1585
- BRU15/4/176 Precept for Edward Radford to answer John Hassold, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/177 Antony Wolson summoned to answer Thomas Barbur respecting the sale of cattle, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/178 John Waker v. William Pardye, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/179 Lane v. Hunt for James Hunt to answer John Lane for selling a cow with a certain disease called the reddwater [an inflammatory complaint], 1583-1584
- BRU15/4/180 Thomas Barbur v. Anthony Wolson, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/181 William Mowntfort v. Henry Ashwell, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/182 Thomas Tomlinson summoned to answer Christopher Smith alias Court upon a bill of obligation, 1584-1585
- BRU15/4/183 Precept for impanelling jurors in the suit of Richard Maioe v. Henry Rogers, 1584-1585
- BRU15/4/184 William Pardye attached to answer John Waker about a messuage etc in Snitterfield, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/185 Charles Baynton and George Bardell v. Thomas Rogers, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/186 Precept for William ? to answer John Rogers, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/187 Humfrey Brace v. Humfrey Peyndur, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/188 Thomas Rogers summoned to answer Charles Baynton and George Bordell, on money matters, 1585-1586
- BRU15/4/189 Henry Seylle v. Thomas Gore, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/190 Writ for numerous persons to answer at a General Session of the Peace, 1608-1609
- BRU15/4/191 Recognizance for Mary Duke to answer Mr. Quyney [Quiney] at a General Sessions of the Peace, 1647
- BRU15/4/192 Rejoinder in an unknown action, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/193 Demurrer of William Braine to the action of George Digby and others, respecting the lease of a warren, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/194 William Badger summoned to answer Stephen Burman in a plea of debt, 1578
- BRU15/4/195 Richard Greene, junior, attached to answer George Badger, on money matters, 1599-1600
- BRU15/4/196 John Lane v. James Hunt in a cause respecting a cow and its grass, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/197 Thomas Ballamie v. Humfrey Pynder touching some sacks of coals, [1581-1591]
- BRU15/4/198 Hamuett Sadler summoned to answer William Walford for eleven shillings, the value of three strikes of wheat purchased, 1600-1601
- BRU15/4/199 John Lane senior v. William Troute, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/200 Richard Collins attached to answer Adrian Quyney [Quiney] on a charge of illegally entering a close and taking away a hundred cart loads of dung, and damaging the herbage with cattle, 1603-1604
- BRU15/4/201 Demurrer of Robert Munmorth to the suit of William Perry, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/202 Precept to impanel a jury in the suit of Thomas Ballamie v. Humfry Pynder, and a list of jurors, 1586-1587
- BRU15/4/203 Bond for due performance of covenants, 30 Sep 1571
- BRU15/4/204 John Lane, v. James Hunt, 1586-1587
- BRU15/4/205 Demurrer of William Burcher to the action of George Rose, [1603-1604]
- BRU15/4/206 Robert Hill v. John Combe, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/207 Demurrer of William Tetherton to the suit of Richard Sponer, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/208 Two precepts to the Serjeant-at-Mace for William Bund to answer Ralph Wylson, and for Ralph Wylson to answer George Rose, 1601-1602
- BRU15/4/209 Joan Whately v. Richard Smyth alias Courte, and George Crafte v. William Slatter, [1599-1600]
- BRU15/4/210 Demurrer of John Wilmore to the suit of John Smyth, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/211 Demurrer of Robert Hill to the action of John Combe, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/212 Demurrer of Robert Barbor to the suit of Ursula Greenwaye, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/213 Reginald Clerke alias Peter attached to answer Fulk Johnsons, on money matters, 1597-1598
- BRU15/4/214 Henry Broome summoned to answer John Wheeler touching the delivery of some swords, 1601-1602
- BRU15/4/215 Precept for Reynald Peeter to answer Fulk Johnsons, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/216 William Tetherton v. George Rose, [1595-1605]
- BRU15/4/217 George Rose summoned to answer William Tetherton in a plea of debt, 1601-1602
- BRU15/4/218 Francis Collins v. Thomas Robertes, [1601-1602]
- BRU15/4/219 Margaret Robertes, widow, and Thomas Robertes summoned to answer Lewis Davies on money matters, and a bill of costs in the same suit, 1601-1602
- BRU15/4/220 William Mountford summoned to answer William Tetherton upon a writing of oligation, 1596-1597
- BRU15/4/221 Thomas Robertes summoned to answer Francis Collins upon a bill of obligation, 1601-1602
- BRU15/4/222 John Combe gentleman v. Arthur Rawson and Thomas Bridges for a debt, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/223 Summons in John Combe, gentleman v. Arthur Rawson and Thomas Bridges, 1600-1601
- BRU15/4/224 Precept for Richard Page to answer Anthony Ingells, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/225 Precept for Henry Richardson to answer Robert Tetherton, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/226 Robert Fysher summoned to answer Thomas Kyrbie and Katherine his wife, on money matters, 1597-1598
- BRU15/4/227 Robert Hill attached to answer John Combe, gentleman, respecting the purchase of three oxen for 13£ on approval, 1602-1602
- BRU15/4/228 Ursula Greenwaie, widow of William Greenwaie, summoned to answer Thomas Barbor and wife about putting out a cow to pasture, 1593-1594
- BRU15/4/229 Daniel Mawdicke summoned to answer John Smyth, draper, on a bill of obligation, 1601-1602
- BRU15/4/230 Richard Smythe alias Courte summoned to answer Joan Whately in a suit respecting the demise of a messuage and garden in Henley Street, 1599-1600
- BRU15/4/231 Demurrer of George Craftes to the action of William Slater about money to be given with Craftes' daughter on her marriage with Slater, [1550-1649]
- BRU15/4/232 John Willmore summoned to answer to our lady the Queen and John Smyth, 1601-1602