Wills and testamentary papers

Copy will of Richard Harris, Upper Brailes, farmer. Trustees of personal estate: son Richard Harris, Ettington, farmer and son-in-law John Wheeler, Long Compton, farmer. £1200 to trustees to invest and pay interest to testator's wife Ann Harris for life, then to use principal to pay legacies and perform further trusts. To son William Harris: £100. To daughter Ann Harris: interest on £1000 for life To grandson Richard Harris, son of Richard: £500 after death of Aunt Ann. To all other surviving grandchildren: equal share of £500. To daughter Sarah Townsend, wife of William: £100 in trust for her and daughter Mary Ann in same form as legacy of £800 [see below]. Residue of personal estate to wife Ann. Trustees of real estate: Edward Welchman Wright, Shipston, M.D. John Taylor, Brailes, farmer. Real estate to trustees for use of wife for life, then Premises at Brailes to be conveyed to son Richard Harris Premises at Stourton to be conveyed to daughter Mary Wheeler, wife of John for life, then to John Wheeler for life with remainder to their children Premises at Brailes charged with £800 to be paid to Richard Harris and John Wheeler in trust (together with £100 personalty) for daughter Sarah, wife of William Townsend Interest for her own use for life, then to pay £900 to Mary Ann Townsend, daughter of Sarah, at age 24, for her own use. If Mary Ann die under 24 then £900 to testator's grandchildren. Witnesses: William Gillett, John Henry Clark, Frederick Hancock.