Wills and testamentary papers

Probate of the will (dated 30 June 1719) of John Eddon, Oxford, yeoman. To brother Robert Eddon: house in Brailes, Warks. To Aaron Edden: £5 to be paid one year after death of testator's wife Mary. To brother Richard Eddon: £5 payable 2 years after death of Mary. To kinswoman Sarah Middleton: £5 payable 3 years after death of Mary. 50/- to William Wheatley, Birmingham, cutler, in payment of debt due to him. To wife Mary Eddon, residue of personal estate, she being sole executrix. Witnesses: John Charman, Edward Prickett, Dennis Charman. Proved at Oxford. Attached 2 legacy receipts (1) 12 May 1726 from Sarah Middleton for £5. (2) 31 Oct 1727 from Richard Eddon for £5.