Wills and testamentary papers

Probate of the will of Henry Mellows senior of Warwick, mason. To his wife Emia the sum of £6 a year to be paid out of the rents of the house he then lived in [not specified] and the Quarry close. Other bequests to his daughter Mary Smith and her children, namely Mary Smith, Elizabeth Smith and John Smith. To his daughter Elizabeth Dunkley and to her son William Dunkley and to testator's sons Henry Mellows and George Mellows. Appointment of George Mellows, Joseph Ebboral of Wedgenock Park and William Beezeley at the Turnpike in the Saltsford, Warwick, as his executors. Witnesses: Edward Styles, Abram Sharpe and Ed. Mortimer. Proved in the Consistory Court of Worcester by the said George Mellows, 9th June 1738.