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26 Ely Street, Stratford-upon-Avon


Lease and release, the release being a conveyance and assignment, from Edmund Chambers of Milcote, gentleman, to Rev. John Daniel of Llangedwin, co. Denbigh, clerk, and Samuel Lovatt of Llangedwin Hall, esq., trustees of a settlement made for the benefit of Samuel Hay Parker of Stratford-upon-Avon, clerk, and Mary Bridget his wife (reciting DR316/32-33, 5, 36, 39a and a settlement of 2 September 1828, whereby Samuel Hay Parker conveyed £1000 3 percnt; Consols and £556 15s 10d. bank stock to John Daniel and Samuel Lovatt, to hold in trust for Samuel Parker and his wife, with a proviso that, if requested, they could redeem the same, and with the proceeds purchase land to hold in trust) for £1000, of the freehold premises described in DR316/36-37, now in the tenure of the said Samuel Hay Parker, and the residue of term of 1000 years in leasehold premises, also described in DR316/36-37, now bounded on part of the west by gardens of ---- Easthope and others, and on the south by buildings and gardens of William Sheldon; to hold the same on the trusts declared in the recited settlement, i.e. to the use of Samuel Parker for life, and after his decease, to the use of his wife, Mary for life, with remainder to their children or rightful heirs. Endorsed with plan.