Wills and testamentary papers

Draft Will of Nathaniel Vyse, Hockley House, Warks., Innholder. Trustees: James Barke, Birmingham, mercer and draper George Cooper, Windsor, Berks., painter John Milward, Whitchurch, grazier. All property, real and personal, to trustees IN TRUST To carry on all testator's farming and business for benefit of wife Harriet and education of children James, Nathaniel, John, Harriet, Thomas and child of which wife pregnant, until eldest son James or eldest surviving is 24 - Then Property to be divided equally between wife and children, shares payable at age 24. Trustees have power to sell for best price if they consider advantageous and to apprentice any children to trade, such premium being considered part of child's share. Trustees empowered to raise sums equal to child's share at age 21 or marriage if daughter and to give as marriage portion or to establish in business. Such sum to be regarded as part of child's share. Wife's share is her vested interest and disposable by her from time of testator's decease. Trustees are executors and guardians. Witnesses: Elizabeth Wheeler, Robert Hobbes, William Oakes Hunt.