Wills and testamentary papers

Appointment of the Rev. Charles Seymour Dupuis, Binton, clerk, as new trustee of the will of William Jackson, the elder, late of Welford, farmer, by John Davison, Bidford, surgeon. Recites 8 Aug 1845 Will of William Jackson, appointing Thomas Jackson and Thomas Badson as trustees. 12 Oct 1847 Death of testator 31 Jul 1848 Probate of will in Prerogative Court of Canterbury Dec 1853 Death of Thomas Jackson 10 Apr 1865 Appointment of Jonathan Heynes as new trustee. 28 June 1875 Death of Jonathan Heynes 11 Aug 1876 Appointment of John Davison as trustee. 12 Mar 1877 Death of Thomas Badson Trust lands: Farm and 170 acres at Long Marston, formerly in the occupation of Morgan Smith, William Jackson the testator's son, then of Edward Hutchings and the said William Jackson (the son), then of representatives of John Newland, now of Francis Parish. : 2 freehold messuages in Long Marston, late in the occupation of Morgan Smith and Charles Luckett and now of John Hawkes and Joseph Court. : Farm and 400 acres at Welford formerly in the occupation of Thomas Parker, then of ..... Truelove and now of Robert Berwick. : 2 cottages in Welford in the occupation of Joseph Gibbs and James Tinson.