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Wills and testamentary papers


Case with opinion of Edward Jacob, Lincolns Inn, as to the distribution of the personal estate of Rev. F.G. Panting who died 1 April 1818. By his will, dated 10 December 1817, testator left his personal estate in trust to pay annuities and remainder of interest to his daughter Frances Needham for life, then to his granddaughter Sarah Panting Gardner for life with remainder to her lawful issue. In default of issue then to testator's sister Lydia Lewis. Lydia Lewis died April 1819 leaving a son and daughter. Frances Needham died August 1832. Sarah Panting Gardner married Mr. Paull and died January 1826 leaving an infant who died the April following. Mr. Paull has taken Administration of his late wife and child and claims the personal estate. The representatives of Lydia Lewis also claim. Opinion that representatives of Lewis have no claim.