Wills and testamentary papers
Original will of Edward Prescote, Broadmarston, Glos., yeoman £5 each to Elizabeth, Mary and John Prescote, children of testator's deceased brother John, at 21 Silver tankard to son John Residue of goods to trustees: William Bonner Shekell and Henry Eden, both of Pebworth, gents.: To sell and invest, spending not more than £20 p.a. each on education of 2 sons John and Edward until 21 when ½ principal and interest to each If both die under 21 without issue then: ½ equally between 3 children of testator's brother John Viz: Elizabeth, Mary and John Prescote ½ equally between three sons of testator's sister Elizabeth Winterbourne, viz: Richard, Robert and John. Trustees executors and guardians. Signed and sealed. Witnesses: Ann Clark, Mary Clark, John Clark.