Wills and testamentary papers
Original will of William Gibbs, Stowerton, Whichford, Warks., labourer. To son John Gibbs: 2 houses in occupation of the testator and his son-in-law William Sumner chargeable with legacies to:- Daughter Sarah Sumner, wife of William: £8 legacy. Daughter Elizabeth Clark, wife of William, Cherington: £6. To son John Gibbs: best feather bed and largest brass pot. To grandson William Sumner: 20/- to clothe him for business or service. Residue of personal estate to John, Sarah and Elizabeth equally. Executor: John Gibbs Overseers: Anthony Brian, Stowerton; Richard Day Sr., Cherington. Witnesses: Richard Day, Anthony Bryan[sic], Benjamin Claridge.