Wills and testamentary papers
Probate copy of the will (dated 21 July 1755) of John Gardener, senior, of Wroxton, Oxon., yeoman. Bequests as follows: 1) Household goods, wagons, ploughs, carts, implements of husbandry, stock and crop to cousin John Gardener junior, of Wroxton. 2) £20 to cousin Thomas Sammon of Wroxton. 3) £5 to cousin John Sammon, junior of Wroxton. 4) £5 to cousin Mary Sammon, of Wroxton. 5) £5 to cousin Elizabeth Sammon of Dadington, Oxon. 6) £5 to cousin Sarah Sammon of Wroxton 7) £10 to cousin Elizabeth Grantham of Wroxton plus best bed in parlour. All above to be paid at age 20. Brothers James Gardener and Samuel Gardener to be trustees for Thomas Sammon until 21. 8) Residue of college hold estate to brothers James Gardener of North Newington, Oxon., and Samuel Gardener of Edgecott, Northants. Executors: testator's brothers James and Samuel. Proved at Oxford.