Wills and testamentary papers

Copy will of John Wheatcroft, Burmington, farmer. To eldest son William: house in Burmington in testator's occupation : ¾ yard land in Burmington of which ½ yard land belonged to testator's father, ¼ purchased from William Steel. To son John: £100 plus; interest at 21, charged on premises above. : cottage in Burmington : ¼ yard land in Burmington, called Roses Quartern Land, purchased from Thomas Harrington. : 2nd best bed, bedstead, bolster, pair blankets, pair sheets, large round tea table, oak corner cupboard, 2 small barrells, 2nd best chest of drawers. To daughter Mary: £100 at 21 or marriage, on premises above (no interest). William to provide for her until 17. To daughter Hannah: 1/- if she ask for it. Residue of real and personal estate to William who is sole executor. Witnesses: T. Heydon, Richard Wyatt, William Heydon. [Proved 12 January 1799].