Wills and testamentary papers

Copy probate copy will of Edward Underhill senior, clerk, Rector of Broadway. To daughter Elizabeth Seymour, wife of William, Excise Officer: house, shop and lands in occupation testator's brother Thomas, in Halesowen, Salop., for life then to testator's son Edward for life with remainder to his son Edward and heirs male. In default to William, son of testator's son Edward and heirs male or right heirs of testator. Money due to testator upon bond, debts, etc. and personal estate to be used to: Pay off mortgage on St. Kenelm's Estate Pay £80 due upon bond to son [in-law] Roberts [Henry]. Secure legacies given by testator's nephew John Underhill. Residue to buy house to be settled on wife for life and then on daughter Sarah Roberts, wife of Henry, attorney for life, with remainder to son Edward Underhill and heirs as before. To wife: life interest in estate in St. Kenelm's, Salop., rented by Mr. Smith, then equally to Sarah and Edward for life with reversion of grandson Edward and heirs male as before. To grandchildren Edward Roberts, Rebecca Underhill, Seymour and Dorothy Roberts: life shares in rents of the Waste Leys at St. Kenelm's, Salop., with remainder to grandson, Edward Underhill etc. as before. To wife: life use of household goods then to son Edward. Executor: son Edward. Witnesses: Margaret Ward, Hannah Horner, Richard Ward. Proved in Prerogative Court of Canterbury 4 November 1720 by Rev. Edward Underhill, son and sole executor.